14.10.2019 (Webnoviny.sk) - A solemn gathering at the occasion of opening the new headquarters of the Slovak DELTA took place in the new Westend Plazza building on Thursday, October 10. DELTA Slovakia is part of the international DELTA group of companies operating, besides Slovakia, also in the Czech Republic, Austria and Ukraine. The main theme which accompanied the gathering was digitalization of construction projects in practice. The participants could view practical examples of construction projects modelled in the Revit programme, in which DELTA prepared the designs and studies of projects in 3D and the BIM Standard, using QR code displayed in 3D glasses. The reality of the display with its faithfulness and its similarity to the actuality caused considerable surprise and emotions of the invited clients and partners. The whole event was opened by Erik Štefanovič, Managing Director of DELTA Slovakia, who gave a warm welcome to about 60 guests both in Slovak and in German. Wolfgang Kradischnig, CEO and main spokesperson of the whole DELTA Group, then took the floor to introduce the DELTA Company as a whole, as well as its main milestones from its foundation in 1977 in Wels, Austria. To conclude, Adam Cifra, proxy holder and head of the DELTA Slovakia team, gave a speech to present actual activities of DELTA Slovakia on the Slovak and Czech market, its most successful projects and the considerable number of awards for architecture won by DELTA. After the official part, the guests had the opportunity of trying individually all functions and advantages of virtual reality display both in the interior and outside, including a virtual walk through the rooms, using 3D glasses to view the Erber Group project, for which DELTA designed their new headquarters, a shop floor and a warehouse. Architects and designers of DELTA were proud to show the tools they use and offer to investors to display the buildings even before the construction work begins, and explained with patience the benefits of digitalization for the projects due to mode effective cooperation in the project as early as in the designing phase. At the end of the event, the participants had a personal tour of the new premises and received 3D glasses with QR code containing virtual reality of the new offices of DELTA Slovakia as a gift and souvenir of a company that has been actively supporting not only technical innovations but also the sustainable construction principle in the construction industry for fourteen years. Advertisement
Zdroj: Webnoviny.sk - DELTA Slovakia has changed its seat and presented the benefits of digitalization in the implementation of construction projects © SITA Všetky práva vyhradené.
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